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 About 7 results found for searched term "Androsterone" (0.057 seconds)

Cat.No.  Name Target
M2670 Epiandrosterone Androgen Receptor
3β-androsterone, EpiA
Epiandrosterone is a steroid hormone with weak androgenic activity, is a natural metabolite of DHEA.
M9061 Dehydroepiandrosterone Animal Modeling
DHEA; Prasterone; Dehydroisoandrosterone
Dehydroepiandrosterone is a potent anti-apoptotic factor with some degree of androgenic activity and is a low affinity (Ki = 1 micron) partial agonist for the androgen receptor (AR). In addition, Dehydroepiandrosterone can also be used to construct a rat polycystic ovary syndrome model.
M10939 Androsterone Farnesoid X Receptor
Androsterone is a metabolite of testosterone that activates the farnidol X receptor (FXR).
M14336 11β-Hydroxyandrosterone Metabolite/Endogenous Metabolite
11β-Hydroxyandrosterone is a 11-oxygenated androgen metabolite of 11β-hydroxyandrostenedione.
M14362 Dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate sodium salt Metabolite/Endogenous Metabolite
Sodium prasterone sulfate
Dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate sodium salt (DHEAS) is the most abundant circulating steroid in human.
M14616 Dehydroisoandrosterone 3-acetate Androgen Receptor
Dehydroepiandrosterone 3-acetate; DHEA acetate
Dehydroepiandrosterone 3-acetate is a testosterone/estrogen precursor and known modulator of vertebrate aggression.
M14681 Dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate Others
DHEA sulfate; Prasterone sulfate
Dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate, a neuroactive neurosteroid, plays a major role in brain development and aging by influencing the migration of neurons, arborization of dendrites, and formation of new synapses.

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