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 About 2 results found for searched term "Belantamab" (0.126 seconds)

Cat.No.  Name Target
M24899 Belantamab TNF Receptor
Belantamab (GSK2857914) is a humanised IgG1 anti-BCMA (TNFRSF17) monoclonal antibody. Belantamab can be used in the synthesis of antibody-drug conjugate (ADC), Belantamab mafodotin.
M40542 Belantamab Mafodotin ADC Linker
Belantamab Mafodotin is a first-in-class antibody-drug concatenation (ADC) against B cell maturation antigen (BCMA). It contains antibodies targeting BCMA as well as the microtubule inhibitor monomethylauristatin F (MMAF) and may be used in studies related to multiple myeloma (MM).

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