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ABDP 493/503

Cat. No. M9850

All AbMole products are for research use only, cannot be used for human consumption.

ABDP 493/503 Structure
Size Price Availability Quantity
5mg USD 32  USD32 In stock
10mg USD 50  USD50 In stock
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Quality Control & Documentation
Biological Activity

ABDP 493/503 (same as BODIPY 493/503) is a lipophilic fluorescent probe that localizes to polar lipids and can be used to label cellular neutral lipid contents, particularly those localized to lipid droplets, in live and fixed cells. It displays excitation/emission maxima of 493/503 nm, respectively.

Product Citations
Chemical Information
Molecular Weight 262.11
Formula C14H17BF2N2
CAS Number 121207-31-6
Solubility (25°C) DMSO
Storage -20°C, protect from light, dry, sealed

[1] Laura Cristina Ceafalan, et al. J Cell Mol Med. Age-related ultrastructural changes of the basement membrane in the mouse blood-brain barrier

[2] Bo Qiu, et al. Bio Protoc. BODIPY 493/503 Staining of Neutral Lipid Droplets for Microscopy and Quantification by Flow Cytometry

[3] Laura L Listenberger, et al. Curr Protoc Cell Biol. Fluorescent Detection of Lipid Droplets and Associated Proteins

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Abmole Inhibitor Catalog

Keywords: ABDP 493/503 supplier, Fluorescent Dye, inhibitors, activators

All AbMole products are for research use only, cannot be used for human consumption or veterinary use. We do not provide products or services to individuals. Please comply with the intended use and do not use AbMole products for any other purpose.

Products are for research use only. Not for human use. We do not sell to patients.
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